Gopher Snake

Install Snake Fencing to Protect Your Santa Clarita Home

April showers bring May flowers…and snakes. That’s right, it’s snake season in Santa Clarita, and that means rattlers of all ages and sizes are slithering out of their winter dens to enjoy the spring sun. In fact, our technicians have already found snakes hiding in foliage, amongst dead leaves, and under objects or toys stored in our customers’ backyards.

If you’re concerned about the safety of your family or employees this spring season, call the Santa Clarita snake control specialists at No Bugs Termite and Pest Control. Our licensed technicians can evaluate your property, identify any vulnerable points of entry, and install snake fencing that is both effective and discreet.

Contact our team of Santa Clarita snake control specialists to discuss your snake-based concerns and to schedule an appointment today!

What Is Snake Fencing?

Residents in Southern California often install snake fencing to protect their homes and businesses from rattlesnakes. In Santa Clarita, the most common species are the Southern Pacific, the Western Diamondback, and the “Mojave Green” rattlesnakes – all of which are incredibly poisonous, so keep your eyes out! To learn more about these snakes, read 6 Common Snakes Found in the Santa Clarita Valley

Snake fencing is a specific mesh-like material or metal fencing that attaches to existing structures to prevent snakes from getting into an area. It can be attached to fences, gates, patio structures, or any existing, stable structure to fortify possible access points.  

A professional and experienced pest control technician can thoroughly assess your property, mount mesh barriers with the targeted mindset of protecting people and pets, and also pinpoint additional ways of fortifying the area to make it less appealing to unwanted guests of the slithering variety.

While there is no guarantee that snake fencing will keep out ALL snakes, this is a tried-and-true preventative measure that is capable of deterring both venomous and non-poisonous snakes.

Example of discreet snake fencing.

Why Do Homes in SCV Need Snake Fencing?

Homeowners in Santa Clarita and the surrounding areas are no strangers to construction. Our city is in a constant state of growth.

What does this mean for the snakes in the area? The growth of the city displaces animals into residential areas and forces them to find shelter in places they may not otherwise frequent.

Not only is our city expanding into snake territory, but our Mediterranean climate and physical geography is already ideal for snakes and other reptiles. Snakes are at home in the summer heat, and as temperatures warm up, they become much more active.

How Does Snake Fencing Help Protect Your Yard?

Snake fencing helps deter snakes, specifically rattlesnakes, by reducing their access into yards along your existing fencing or gates. The fencing has tightly woven links that reduce the opening of the fencing exponentially. It also employs a height barrier for climbing.

Some snakes can climb, but venomous snakes like the southwestern rattlesnakes in our area are less agile than their non-venomous counterparts and will be less likely able to navigate up and over the fencing. Rattlesnakes are not able to climb up flat, straight walls (or fences) that do not have an outcropping or foothold for them to scale. (They cannot climb straight up more than approximately 1/3 of their body.) So, the height of the snake fencing is based on reducing the availability of clear climbing space as well as making it harder to climb straight up.

For additional snake safety tips, check out How to Stay Safe During Snake Season in Santa Clarita

Got Snakes? Talk to a Pro!

With professional installation from No Bugs Termite and Pest Control, you can rest easy knowing that your snake fencing is stable and secure. Our Santa Clarita snake fencing installation team can eliminate potential gaps between the fencing and the ground, measure to an adequate height, and secure the fencing along the designated property line.

Don’t risk the failure of snake fencing due to improper installation. Contact the snake control professionals at No Bugs Pest Control. Let us help you protect your family.